Friday, October 14, 2011

Blessed Beyond Measure's been a while since I've posted to my blog again! I guess it's because I've been busy enjoying life these days. Those of you who knew me a few years back (and those who have read my older blog posts) know some of the trials I've been through. I deemed 2009 the worst year of my life - although it had some great moments. I met a whole lot of awesome people that year...I call them my Twamily :)

I was in a bad place and went through some things I hope I'll never have to go through again. I have no regrets, though. Some things were brought on by my own choices...other things I had influence over. All things, however - the good and the bad - helped get me to the place I am at today. One of my favorite scriptures (Romans 8:28) reminds us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He definitely did that for me. He showed me forgiveness for things I had done that brought me pain and regret. He took away the shame and fear that I carried around for years and helped me to trust again. He allowed me to lose some material things so I could see what was really important in life. Then He blessed me...beyond measure.

Looking back I can see why I had to go through some of those trials. And I know now that it was all worth it. Sometimes we have to let go of good things to make room for great things. My life is not perfect by any means - and it never will be as long as I am on this earth. But in all of these imperfections and the things that God is working on in my life, I must say this is one of my best years. I can hardly keep track of the blessings in my life these days. And if you are reading this blog you are most likely one of those blessings. The people who are closest to me - my family and friends - are the biggest blessings I could ever hope for. The people that God has brought into my life are truly amazing and I thank Him for each one of you...every day.

So for all of you who are going through trials I will leave you with this piece of hope. A message from the God who loves you... "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11


  1. I dont know why but I never could be successful in leaving you a comment but I must persist and keep trying. Like I mentioned to you, this blog (like previous ones) are very encouraging. Maybe one day, I will soon write to you and tell you what the Lord has done for me.

  2. Thank you Tonya for your encouragement. Yes, we all go through trials and trials are never easy. It is lovely to hear your reassurance that God is always with us and prayer will always bring us back to Him through His holy spirit and His son, Jesus Christ feeling even more confident in His love and saving grace.
