Friday, October 14, 2011

Blessed Beyond Measure's been a while since I've posted to my blog again! I guess it's because I've been busy enjoying life these days. Those of you who knew me a few years back (and those who have read my older blog posts) know some of the trials I've been through. I deemed 2009 the worst year of my life - although it had some great moments. I met a whole lot of awesome people that year...I call them my Twamily :)

I was in a bad place and went through some things I hope I'll never have to go through again. I have no regrets, though. Some things were brought on by my own choices...other things I had influence over. All things, however - the good and the bad - helped get me to the place I am at today. One of my favorite scriptures (Romans 8:28) reminds us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He definitely did that for me. He showed me forgiveness for things I had done that brought me pain and regret. He took away the shame and fear that I carried around for years and helped me to trust again. He allowed me to lose some material things so I could see what was really important in life. Then He blessed me...beyond measure.

Looking back I can see why I had to go through some of those trials. And I know now that it was all worth it. Sometimes we have to let go of good things to make room for great things. My life is not perfect by any means - and it never will be as long as I am on this earth. But in all of these imperfections and the things that God is working on in my life, I must say this is one of my best years. I can hardly keep track of the blessings in my life these days. And if you are reading this blog you are most likely one of those blessings. The people who are closest to me - my family and friends - are the biggest blessings I could ever hope for. The people that God has brought into my life are truly amazing and I thank Him for each one of you...every day.

So for all of you who are going through trials I will leave you with this piece of hope. A message from the God who loves you... "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, August 25, 2011

In the Good Times

It's good to be back to blogging! I've had a busy couple of months and, of course, neglected to blog in the midst of it. I'm pretty much settled in the new place now and life is good. The thing is ... I realized with all that was going good in my life I was not only neglecting my blog, but I was also neglecting to spend time with Jesus. Sure ... I said a quick "Thank you, Lord!" and "Help me, Jesus!" once in a while, but I started to feel distant from Him. I know He would never leave me, so it was obvious that I was the one falling away. Getting wrapped up in the things of this world.

The good news is that He is a forgiving God. He welcomed me back with open arms. I'm glad I didn't stay away too long because, now that I'm back, I realize how much I missed being close to Him.

Two years ago I was going through some real Hell in my life. During that time I was so close to Him ... every second. I was too terrified to fall away. I knew how much I needed Him. For everything. He held me, comforted me, pulled me through. He brought many people into my life to help keep me focused on Him. As much as I don't miss the Hell I was going trough back then, I do miss the closeness I felt to Him "in the bad times."

So my prayer in this season of my life is that He keeps me close "in the good times." The times when I might be deceived into feeling that I can make it on my own. In those times I want to remember that I can't make it on my own ... and I don't want to. Life apart from Him - no matter how good it looks in the world's eyes - can never truly be good.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Words Can Bring Me Down

Last night while I watched "The Voice" on TV, one thing really caught my attention. It was when Christina and Beverly sang their duet of Christina's song "Beautiful." It was not my first time hearing that song, but last night as I listened I pondered these lyrics ... "Words can't bring me down." They reminded me of the childhood saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."

I understand the reasons we feel we need to say things like this. We need to be strong. We need to put up a guard against being hurt. But the truth is that words can bring us down ... and the hurt goes so much deeper than broken bones. Proverbs 18:21a says this: "The tongue can bring death or life."

I think back to some of the words that have hurt me and how holding on to that has harmed me physically, and hindered my journey to better health. And when I continue to dwell on them, the pain only gets worse. Kids used to call me names at school. Family and friends have said hurtful things at times, as I am certain I have done as well.

The good news is that God can heal the hurt if we let Him. So today I ask God to search my heart once again and show me if I am holding on to any hurtful words that have been spoken over me. And if I am holding on, that He will help me forgive whoever may have spoken those words. I also ask that He forgive me for any hurtful words I have spoken over anyone else. Much like words, unforgiveness can bring us down as well.

So search your heart ... forgive ... and let God heal you. Most importantly, don't let your words bring anyone down. Let your tongue speak words of life! And like another childhood saying says; "If you can't say anything good, don't say nothin' at all!" :)